Welcome to Booksim Marketing Group.
Booksim is a global e-commerce business-to-business trading company and information centre that provides selling and buying services via web portals, local partners and direct marketing with other business, companies and local government.
Booksim.com brings together world’s buyers and sellers in one location, promoting trade through distribution, connecting buyers and sellers directly without any filters.
Our aim to bring people, products and projects together.
We do this by giving suppliers and buyers the necessary tools to reach a global audience for their products, and by helping businesses finding products and trades quickly and efficiently.
Our goal is to work with clients and partners, embracing their mission.
We were pragmatic, sensible and determined. Our strengths were our knowledge of the market, our dedicated and qualified work-team and above all, clarity of purpose and goal. We knew then as we do even now, that in such an aggressive business environment, the key to success is unflinching loyalty to our customers and owning their projects as ours.
So we can say, “Make it possible and profitable for all, working toward solutions, success and exceeding expectation.”
Client Testimonial
It has been time and value well spent, since booksim marketing group helps us exporting our products. It has been the most successful sale and productive time we spend since we launch our products.